Stronger As A Mother (Prenatal) Athlete Program

Stronger As A Mother (Prenatal) Athlete Program

Providing athletes with the support, education, and empowerment to help you optimize your training throughout your pregnancy, prepare your body and pelvic floor for birth, minimize the risk of common pregnancy ailments such as pelvic girdle pain, low back pain, and birth injuries, and heal faster postpartum.

*For Olympic level / professional athletes and &Mother athletes, please contact us directly at [email protected]

LUNA's comprehensive 4-part pelvic floor & core series, pelvic floor education with our physical therapist, exercises & modifications for pelvic pain, mobility work, birth prep, our evidence-based childbirth education course as well as our preparing for postpartum educational series, and our comprehensive prenatal nutrition e-book.

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Stronger As A Mother (Prenatal) Athlete Program
  • The Pelvic Floor

    LUNA's Women's Health Physical Therapist, Alicia Willoughby teaches you all about your pelvic floor!

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing

  • Core Connection Breath

  • Prenatal Core Before Week 1 Circuit

    This 4 week series focused solely on helping you to create a true connection to your pelvic floor and inner core during your pregnancy, giving you the tools needed to build and maintain a strong, functional inner core unit through your entire pregnancy, heal faster post birth, and help to prevent...

  • Prenatal Core Before Week 2 Circuit

    This 4 week series focused solely on helping you to create a true connection to your pelvic floor and inner core during your pregnancy, giving you the tools needed to build and maintain a strong, functional inner core unit through your entire pregnancy, heal faster post birth, and help to prevent...

  • Prenatal Core Before Week 3 Circuit

    This 4 week series focused solely on helping you to create a true connection to your pelvic floor and inner core during your pregnancy, giving you the tools needed to build and maintain a strong, functional inner core unit through your entire pregnancy, heal faster post birth, and help to prevent...

  • Prenatal Core Before Week 4 Circuit

    This 4 week series focused solely on helping you to create a true connection to your pelvic floor and inner core during your pregnancy, giving you the tools needed to build and maintain a strong, functional inner core unit through your entire pregnancy, heal faster post birth, and help to prevent...

  • Pelvic Floor Lengthening Sequence 1

    The pelvic floor needs to be able to lengthen and contract to function optimally, and a weak pelvic floor is not always the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction. Having a too-tight pelvic floor can also often be the cause and kegels can make it worse! This lengthening circuit can help release overac...

  • Pelvic Floor Lengthening Sequence 2

    The pelvic floor needs to be able to lengthen and contract to function optimally, and a weak pelvic floor is not always the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction. Having a too-tight pelvic floor can also often be the cause and kegels can make it worse! This lengthening circuit can help release overac...

  • Pelvic Floor Lengthening Sequence 3

    The pelvic floor needs to be able to lengthen and contract to function optimally, and a weak pelvic floor is not always the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction. Having a too-tight pelvic floor can also often be the cause and kegels can make it worse! This lengthening circuit can help release overac...

  • Pelvic Floor Lengthening Sequence 4

    The pelvic floor needs to be able to lengthen and contract to function optimally, and a weak pelvic floor is not always the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction. Having a too-tight pelvic floor can also often be the cause and kegels can make it worse! This lengthening circuit can help release overac...

  • Third Trimester Stretch Sequence

    This sequence is great for any stage of pregnancy but is especially helpful in the third trimester as birth nears to help open the pelvis and create space for baby to drop, relieve discomfort, lengthens the pelvic floor, and can also help baby settle into an optimal position for birth. It can be ...

  • Hip Opening Stretch Sequence

    Join Sarah in this juicy hip opening stretch series to gain mobility, ease pain & tightness, and lengthen the pelvic floor.

    *Your beautiful body

    Please consult with your physician or health care provider before beginning any exercise program. LUNA Mo...

  • Hip Opening Stretch Sequence 2

    Join Sarah in this juicy hip opening stretch series to gain mobility, ease pain & tightness, and lengthen the pelvic floor.

    *Your beautiful body

    Please consult with your physician or health care provider before beginning any exercise program. LUNA Mot...

  • Banded Hip & Hamstring Release

    Open and lengthen tight hips and hamstrings with this stretch sequence using a mini resistance band (optional.)

    *Resistance band loop (optional)

    Please consult with your physician or health care provider before beginning any exercise program. LUNA Mother ...

  • Prenatal Hip & Shoulder Opener Stretch Sequence

    Pregnancy is notorious for creating tension in the shoulders and hips! This stretch sequence with Stephanie will give your entire body a nice stretch while focusing on those areas that need a little extra love.

    *Your beautiful body

    Please consult with you...

  • Positions For Labor & Pushing

    Learn some of the different positions you can use throughout your labor that can help make you more comfortable and relaxed, allow for the pelvis top open to make it easier for baby to descend, as well as different positions for the pushing stage of labor. You can also use these movements to prep...

  • Exercises For Pre & Postnatal Pelvic Pain

    These exercises and stretches can help to rebalance the pelvis, build stability, and relieve symptoms of symphysis pubis dysfunction, SI joint pain, sciatica, and pelvic instability.

    *Your beautiful body

    Please consult with your physician or health care ...

  • Exercise Modifications For Pelvic Pain / Prolapse / Pelvic Floor Injury

  • Pelvic Ligament Pain Relief

    Pelvic ligament pain can be quite common during pregnancy, and may even stick around postpartum. It can cause sharp, sudden pain with movement, or feel more like a constant ache, or even both! Join Sarah as she explains the two most common types of pelvic ligament pain and walks you through a ser...

  • Understanding Pelvic Organ Prolapse

    Join Sarah for this educational video that discusses the different types and grades of pelvic organ prolapse, common symptoms, assessing POP, and when to seek help of a physical therapist. Sarah also provides you with some rehabilitative exercises to help you connect to your pelvic floor that tak...

  • Coughing, Sneezing, & Your Pelvic Floor

    Join Sarah for this educational video on how our core responds to daily movements such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, and so forth and how to properly manage pressure and avoid leaks!

    Please consult with your physician or health care provider before beginning any exercise program. ...

  • Section 1- Anatomy and Physiology of Birth

    In this section you will learn about opinions vs evidence when it comes to childbirth education and how to navigate a world of conflicting information, and the anatomy and physiology of birth.

    *DISCLAIMER:: These videos are purely for educational purposes only. LUNA Mother Co is not a licensed m...

  • Section 2 - Support, Comfort, and Coping

    In this section you will learn about the importance of having labor support, how to build your support team, cultivating your birth environment, and tools + techniques for coping with labor.

    *DISCLAIMER:: These videos are purely for educational purposes only. LUNA Mother Co is not a licensed me...

  • Section 3 - Advocacy, Birth Plans and Routine Interventions

    In this section you will learn about self-advocacy during labor, as well as how to create your birth plan. We will also cover routine hospital interventions, what they mean, and how they are utilized and performed. Lastly, this section also covers special circumstances such as labor induction and...

  • Section 4 - Labor and Birth Coaching Techniques

    The content in this section is essentially a step-by-step guide on coping with labor, ways your birth team can support you, positioning, as well as what the different stages of labor can bring about, all the way through the birth of your baby and the delivery of your placenta.

    *DISCLAIMER:: Thes...

  • Section 5 - Hands On Support

    In this final section we will show you hands on techniques and positions that can be used to provide relief during contractions and to help with potential back labor.

    *DISCLAIMER:: These videos are purely for educational purposes only. LUNA Mother Co is not a licensed medical care provider and t...

  • Preparing For Postpartum Series - Intro

    In the first video of our Preparing For Postpartum series, Labor & Delivery Nurse turned Student Nurse Midwife, Georgia Noonan walks you through some of the issues with our current healthcare system, and how you can be your own advocate when it comes to getting the care you deserve.


  • Preparing For Postpartum Series 2 | Physical Changes + Healing

    In part two of our Preparing For Postpartum series, Labor & Delivery Nurse turned Nurse Midwife, Georgia Noonan walks you through the physical changes that occur in your body postpartum, supplies to have on hand for a smoother initial postpartum recovery, caring for your stitches or c-sectio...

  • Preparing For Postpartum Series 3 | Maternal Mental Health

    In part three of our Preparing For Postpartum series, Labor & Delivery Nurse turned Student Nurse Midwife, Georgia Noonan discusses postpartum mood disorders that can arise, what is normal, warning signs of postpartum depression and anxiety, and when to seek help.

    *DISCLAIMER:: These videos...

  • Preparing For Postpartum Series 4 | Relationships, Intimacy, + Self Care

    In part four of our Preparing For Postpartum series, Labor & Delivery Nurse turned Student Nurse Midwife, Georgia Noonan discusses the importance of self care as a new mama, nurturing your relationship, how to maintain open lines of communication, and intimacy after baby.

    *DISCLAIMER:: Thes...

  • Hospital Bag Checklist

    43.7 KB

  • LUNA's Complete Guide To Prenatal Nutrition E-Book

    40.4 MB

  • Evidence-Based Childbirth Ed Resource List

    836 KB