I’m wondering what type of gear I need to follow the program exercises. I’ve looked at one of the post partum barre videos so far and I have weights and a mat, but not the type of resistance band that is used or the sliding disc. Are there any other things I would need for this program?
Hi Deborah! You can find our recommended equipment list in the getting started PDF as well as in the description for each class. Generally we recommend having a set of hand weights (3-5lbs), a resistance band loop, and for our Mama Strong class a set of 8lb hand weights and a 15lb kettlebell or you can just use a heavier hand weight (10-15lbs.) A magazine or paper plate works well in place of a sliding disk if you’re on a carpeted surface, or wearing a sock on your foot for wood surfaces. I hope this was helpful!
Heavier weights are always optional - what you already have will work for all of the classes of you don’t want to get heavier weights or don’t have them available. As for the resistance bands, you can get them on Amazon for less than $10 - here is a link
to some - https://www.amazon.com/Letsfit-Resistance-Exercise-Stretching-Flexbands/dp/B07K7G74P6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=resistance+band&qid=1578583128&sr=8-3