While it may seem boring, learning to breathe diaphragmatically is essential to the healing, strength, and function of your core and pelvic floor - not just during exercise, but in daily life too! We breathe approximately 22,000 times per day. The more you practice diaphragmatic breath, the sooner you can rewire your brain and body to breathe that way the majority of the time, without even having to think about it!
Please consult with your physician or health care provider before beginning any exercise program. LUNA Mother Co is not a licensed medical care provider and therefor the information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Diaphragmatic breath and our core connection breath are essential techniques used in each of the circuits in this program. To get the most out of this program we recommend spending a few minutes warming up and practicing these techniques each day before starting the circuit.
Up Next in Module 4
Early Weeks Rehab Week 4 Circuit